Questions to 2021 Election Candidates

By November 24, 2021Chamber News

Final Questions to be asked with a show of hands from Candidates:

  1. Do you support Council membership of the Local Government Association?
  2. Do you support a retention strategy primarily for Youth and Young Workers but also families within the Community Strategic Plan. The aim being to address the Aged Dependency Ratio and accelerating median age?
  3. Would you support any Special Rate Variation over the next term?
  4. Do you support retention of bequeathed and other recognised community properties?
  5. While there is always some discontent with every Council, do you acknowledge there is a general disconnect between Council and the Community that needs to be addressed?
  6. Do you support an effort to change Council culture?
  7. Councils Community Engagement Model informs Council of the importance of genuine dialogue. The perception that the increased disconnect and distrust experienced by the community indicates little value in the current model. Would you support a new model which ensures genuine dialogue?
  8. Would you move or support a motion to ensure genuine stakeholder engagement at the early stage of a planning strategy either as part of a new Community Engagement Model or separate mechanism?
  9. With current community concern about secrecy, transparency, and limitations of the current FOI mechanism, would you move or support a motion for expanded disclosure through a more accessible Freedom of Information or similar mechanism?
  10. Do you support the re-establishment of the public access component of live streaming and importantly, changing the vetting system applied to speakers and their presentation content in order to allow more access?
  11. Do you support reinstatement of the Business Advisory Committee and Tourism Advisory Committee?
  12. Do you support the outsourcing of Tourism and Events to an industry led body?
  13. Would you prioritize the establishment of a Planning and Development Advisory Committee?
  14. Do you support a New Events Strategy, with a view to be more inclusive?
  15. With concern about housing, urban sprawl and encroachment on natural amenities? Do you generally support infill strategies to better utilise infrastructure, services and provide denser accommodation options?
  16. Do you support each Councillor having the option to nominate a person on each committee to ensure ratepayer/voter driven decision making?
  17. Many candidates have expressed their support to a collaborative meeting to find commonality and strategy prior to official commencement at Council, would you be happy to be part of that meeting?
  18. Have you looked at comparisons and benchmarks of this Shire compared to other Shires of similar size on the Local Government Website?
  19. Do you have online policies and strategies that people can access?
  20. Would you agree to hold off on any further decision making regarding Mogo activation plan and infrastructure development until Mogo residents and Mogo associations believe some semblance of genuine and reasonable dialogue has been achieved?

Long answer questions to candidates from members and the floor (2 minutes per candidate)