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Batemans Bay Chamber

2023 AGM Presidents Report

By | Chamber News

Dear Members

The following has been achieved or continues as part of Chamber’s projects and advocacy over the past Chamber executive term.

Murra Mia Walkway Tree Lighting

Chamber has replaced bud lighting around trees on the Murra Mia Walkway. Thanks to Tim Powell from South Coast Electrical for his assistance.

Love the Bay Revival

Chamber has engaged a website and PR person to improve the website and revive the Love the Bay cards.

Tesla Electric Vehicle Chargers

Chamber contacted and worked with Tesla to bring Tesla chargers initially directed for installation south of Batemans Bay back to Batemans Bay. We understand 6 chargers will be installed in the CBD which will be great for tourism – especially from Canberra.

Christmas Tree

The new large Christmas tree now has a permanent home in a container on Council land. Thank you to South Coast Steel and Your Place Creations for erection/dismantling and transport of the tree. There have also been lighting upgrades to the tree.

Nomination of Batemans Bay for 2024 Top Tourist Town Award

We have sought and gained Council support for this nomination which will help tourism and CBD improvement.

Council Rates

During Council’s Shire wide presentations of its financial situation and current difficulties, Chamber has made clear that all should be done to balance budgets while also mitigating large rate and charge increases, This does mean that some services or projects may be cut back.

Destination Action Plan Reference Group

Chamber was represented in the Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan reference group and continues to advocate for an effective tourism operation for the Shire.

Disability Upgrade to the CBD New Pontoon

Chamber has received funds and will proceed with the disability upgrade when NSW Transport finalises approvals for a disability hoist plus modifications to accommodate sea planes.

Winter Comedy Dinner

The comedy dinners this winter and last winter at both the Club Catalina and Batemans Bay Soldiers Clubs were paid for through membership contributions. While all who attended enjoyed the evenings it is hoped that in future more members avail themselves to this annual event.

Batemans Bay Development Height Review

The Chamber had comment on the last height review and has asked Council to include Chamber in current and future height and development reviews.

Sculpture Dive Site

Charles Stuart has met achieved endorsement with Council, State Government and Federal Government representatives for the Dive Site though it still has a long way to go.

Cruise Ship Visits

Chamber plays an active role in the local cruise ship visits with Charles Stuart organising Welcome events and activities for guests.  The Chamber is also involved in various groups to further the number, quality and type of cruise ship visits.

Chamber submission to NSW Minister Sophie Cotsis, Minister for Industrial Relations, Work Health and Safety.

Chamber met with Minister’s Sophie Cotsis and Dr Michael Holland to discuss various policies not having sufficient regional relevance, plus the need for small business to access help in navigating the legal implications of new Fairwork and IR requirements. We suggested promoting an advice line number which they will consider and this received positive comment.

Chamber submissions on property Insurance difficulties in bush fire areas and associated price gouging on public liability.

Chamber received support from the previous federal government and then started sought support for the issue with new Federal Government. Both MP Fiona Phillips and MP Dr Michael Holland share our concerns, though now Business NSW has taken up the cause.

“Meet Your Candidate” public meetings

Chamber ran a Meet Your Candidate public meeting for Mayor , State and Federal candidates at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club


Chamber membership remains strong which is essential for effective lobbying. Attendance at Chamber meetings and events is low, including the free of charge for members comedy night dinner.

I believe the new Chamber executive needs to continue to respond to the fact that members are time poor and review how often meetings are delivered.

I would like to thank the executive for the work they have done, whereby our Chamber is consistently viewed as punching above its weight both politically, in the media and in our achievements.

Most importantly I would like to thank members for your support. Your discretionary spend of $165 for membership is appreciated and has allowed all the above to occur in our community.

Thank You for the Privilege,
David Maclachlan
Outgoing President

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Meet your Federal Candidate Forum

By | Chamber News

4th May 2022

Fiona Phillips

Fiona Phillips

David Maclachlan

David Maclachlan

Andrew Constance

Andrew Constance

The two major party candidates for Gilmore, Andrew Constance and Fiona Phillips were questioned by Chamber President David Maclachlan on both local and national topics

The introduction by Mr Maclachlan included an overview of the area’s social and economic data together with Chamber projects which help address these challenges.

Points included:

  • Gilmore is the most elderly electorate in Australia, with an accelerating increase in medium age.
  • The region age-dependency-ratio was almost the highest in Australia – which simply means we do not have enough younger people to look after older people and maintain a balanced community.
  • The region has a net loss of young people and has difficulty retaining young families and young professionals.
  • Unemployment is higher than the state average, yet business has difficulty finding and attracting employees, despite having TAFE and University training facilities.
  • The region has experienced fires, flood and Covid. Not all businesses have rebuilt with re-insurance being a major problem.
  • Tourism is a major industry, yet has been a reduction in hotel beds.
  • The Chamber welcomes new public and private infrastructure and hope’s that essential crossover infrastructure benefitting Tourism and the community is recognised. Crossover infrastructure is also needed for the retention of young people, young professionals and young families.

The forum started with Yes/No responses to NATIONAL ISSUES as follows:

  1. Will you support permanent residency to 459 Visa holders already in the country? FP YES: AC YES
  2. Will you protect Medicare? FP YES: AC YES
  3. Will you include dental in Medicare? FP NO: AC YES
  4. Will you adequately fund TAFE to address skill shortages? FP YES: AC YES
  5. Will you subsidise manufacturing to bring it back on shore? FP YES: AC YES
  6. Would you support any plans to increase GST? FP NO: AC NO
  7. Do you support any increase in personal tax? FP NO: AC NO
  8. Do you support any increase in business tax? FP NO: AC NO
  9. Will you support a network of fast EV charges between the ACT, Sydney and the Shire? FP YES: AC YES
  10. Do you support high speed rail between the three largest cities on the East coast? FP YES: AC NO
  11. Are you committed to net zero emissions by 2050? FP YES: AC YES
  12. Do you support toll-free roads on national routes? FP YES: AC YES
  13. Will you support an effective Federal ICAC? FP YES: AC YES
  14. Do you favour strengthening the powers of the ACCC to address the monopolisation and price gouging of essential goods and services? FP YES: AC YES
  15. Will you increase funding and effectiveness for the aged care sector? FP YES: AC YES
  16. Will you support a higher percentage increase of GDP for Defence spending? FP YES: AC YES
  17. Do you support an increase in foreign aid in the Pacific? FP YES: AC YES
  18. Would you actively support the elimination of black spot areas on the Princes and Kings Highway? FP YES: AC YES
  19. Do you support introducing complete political donation disclosure? FP YES: AC YES
  20. Will you support funding for Energy Storage Systems to provide resilience to critical local communication infrastructure? FP YES: AC YES

Large Infrastructure Projects not Proceeding

A long-standing theme that major parties use local infrastructure to buy votes at the expense of major infrastructure projects, could be applied to road and rail in this region. This is a concern in populace regions which do not have significant public transport with major city connections. How can this situation be changed?

FP focused on major projects to be delivered, AC focused on segmenting major road projects and mentioned “pork barrelling”.
Re-Insurance Issues

  • It is now more than 2 years since the Black Summer fires burned throughout Gilmore.
  • Business NSW, the Federal Small Business Ombudsman and other groups are concerned about insurance availability & affordability in bush fire effected areas.
  • Many local businesses viability has been placed in jeopardy. Businesses throughout the East Coast who have never had a claim for 20 to 50 years suddenly have been declined property insurance.
  • Premium increases for bushfire cover of more than 1000% have been quoted.
  • Excluding bushfire risk, insurers have increased public liability and other risk by significant magnitudes when risk has not changed. This equates to price gouging by a number of insurance companies in bush fire prone areas.
  • The current government has refused to support extending the Northern Australian Reinsurance pool for natural disasters to the East Coast of Australia.
  • Would you actively support either seeding a Discretionary Mutual Fund or support a reinsurance pool such as the current scheme which operates for flood and cyclone areas?

FP supported a Re-insurance pool : AC supported a Discretionary Trust

Accessible Batemans Bay CBD

-Eurobodalla Shire Council has plans to convert the southern section of the Batemans Bay CBD to be accessible to all. This entails the raising of the footpaths to a level equal to the shop entry levels, to raise the street pavement to a similar height and to provide access between the two for wheelchairs and strollers.

o The ballpark cost of these works is $20M. Will candidates commit to this future expense? Both Candidates supported the above

Will you support funding for the following infrastructure projects for Council to sponsor?

  1. A Multi-use venue to assist retention of young people, young professionals and young families and tourism? People complain about lack of indoor activities, entertainment and sport facilities e.g. 1 indoor basketball court for over 20,000 people, Loss of No. 1 Trip advisor activity and other shortages. These issues would be addressed by a large format multi use space for national touring events, trade shows, art and performance space, school events, indoor sporting events and possible dual use as an evacuation and emergency facility.
  2. A splash pad to compliment the inclusive playground at Corrigan’s Reserve?
  3. A 50m salt water pool?
  4. Underwater Sculpture site to compliment the Batemans Bay Sculpture Walk, this has already received state support in principle and has been advanced with marine authorities?

Both candidates supported all the above projects with particular emphasis on the multi-use venue.

Communications –

What are your parties plans to ensure that all business has reliable NBN coverage?

Both candidates said they would address black spot areas of the Shire.

Fireproofing critical infrastructure at Mount Wandera. Eurobodalla Council has proposed replacing timber power poles with fireproof poles at a cost of $750,000. Would you support funding for these poles and back-up power? Both candidates supported funding for the above project.

Questions from the floor not included.


Aboriginal Leadership Celebratory Mural in Batemans Bay

By | Chamber News

In September 2020 when Her Excellency the Honorable Margaret Beazley, Governor of NSW opened two sculptures for inclusion in the Batemans Bay Sculpture Walk. Aunty Loretta Parsley (A Walbunja custodian and local artist) delivered a Welcome to Country and spoke passionately about the importance the sculptures for local self-perception and tourism.  Aunty Loretta then spoke about her dream of local public art telling their indigenous story. The Governor of NSW endorsed her comments about the significance of the sculptures and indigenous public art.

Master of Ceremonies and founder of the Sculpture for Clyde event and the Batemans Bay Sculpture Walk, David Maclachlan, enthusiastically responded by saying that many would like to see this eventuate.   David Maclachlan is a former president of the Chamber for 3 years and still passionate about improving his town.

A concept of “celebrating generations of indigenous leadership”, was proposed to and then developed with Vikki Parsley and local elders.  A local koori process was embarked on to decide and accept the portraits of Walbunja custodian Aunty Loretta Parsley in her possum cloak and her granddaughter Bimi who is a school captain and who’s great great grandmother wrote to the King to ask permission for Batemans Bay indigenous children to attend the local school. The other portrait is of Stan Grant, the nationally recognised indigenous television journalist and author.

The mural captures many messages including the vision of celebrating generations of local indigenous leadership.

Aunty Loretta said when seeing the mural half completed “I am very emotional, this is the first time I have seen our black history and leadership captured in such an inspiring way for everyone to see, thank you”.

Internationally recognised artist Matt Adnate is known for his realist style and large scale portraits across Australia. His socially conscious work with indigenous Australians is evident in his Batemans Bay mural.

David Maclachlan and The Batemans Bay Business and Tourism Chamber would like to thank the Village Centre and Bridge Plaza, Geoff Fielding, Raymonds at Malua Bay and Vikki Parsley for permissions and support. While funding was received through various grants and the Business Chamber, thanks also go to all community members who assisted.

The opening depending on completion is planned for mid-June.

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Meet Your Candidate Forum

By | Chamber News

Eurobodalla Council Elections 2021

A candidate from each group represented in the Eurobodalla Shire Elections was asked to present their groups platform with questions and answers at the Batemans bay Soldiers Club on November 24, 2021.

Candidates were asked to consider the following Chamber advocacy items followed by a QandA session attached.

  1. Retention Strategies for Young People, Young Families and Professionals.

    We recognise that our Shire has an accelerating increase in mean age (average age 54yrs) and one of the highest age dependency ratio’s in the country (556 out of 563 Shires).

    Currently there are many businesses and particularly tourism businesses struggling to attract and retain staff, despite our unemployment rate of 8.3% compared to the Regional NSW rate of 5.4% (June2021). While training is available in many areas through Business, TAFE, UOW etc., retention has not significantly changed.

    Past community engagement has indicated that there is a shortage of infrastructure for these demographics, moving forward we would like to work with Council to see facilities including the following facilitated in our region:

    • Indoor sporting facilities (soccer, basketball etc).
    • Entertainment infrastructure and  “Funland”, “Bowling” type facilities.
    • Indoor recreation spaces.
    • Mini golf, go-karts, artificial dive/ snorkel sites, theme parks similar to the Gold Rush Colony or other outdoor recreational infrastructure similar to the Mogo Adventure Hub.
    • New Event strategy with broader event support.
    • Over-coming the limitations experienced by current hospitality/dining enterprises.
    • In addition to this we believe we could improve the relationship between local businesses and school age children looking at career paths in the region.

    Young people, young professionals, families and tourists have many common infrastructure aspirations which improve quality of life and incentivise retention.

    Retention strategies are possible and we believe it is critical to encourage these.

  2. Affordable accommodation and rentable accommodation strategies.

    We believe that Council could encourage diversification of residential accommodation in new developments. We would encourage future Councillors to seek advice from experts in this field and to explore solutions in this area.

  3. Community Strategic Plan (CSP)

    The CSP for the previous administration stipulated community indicators to allow assessment of the plan for future CSP use. Prior to the CSP workshop in 2016 the community indicators for the previous 4 years were not assessed. The 2016 CSP community workshop floundered to the point where a vote was taken on whether to continue.

    We believe Council’s current CSP could be improved by the inclusion of more specific and measurable goals for the future, rather than generalist aspirations. Chamber would encourage the use of evidence-based strategies that address the needs of the community and economy, thus producing DP/OPs with emphasis on qualitative KPIs indicating whether a strategy was worthwhile or not in the eyes of the community, rather than quantitative KPIs such as how many meetings were conducted.

  4. Reinstate mechanisms to ensure industry and community connection and input to Council.

    The Chamber proposes the following:

    • Reinstate the Tourism Advisory Committee.
    • Reinstate the Business Advisory Committee.
    • Convene a Strategic Planning and Development Committee.
    • Revise the Public Engagement Strategy.
    • Return livestreaming and change the vetting process for public speaking at Council meetings.
    • We suggest Councillor participation and nomination of advisory committee membership to ensure representation of voter/ratepayer choice.
  5. Outsource Tourism, Events and Business activities to ensure reconnection to industry.

    Tourism and Events was a major electoral item at the last election and is becoming the same for this election. After the last election there was a tourism and events shake up at Council. A Destination Management Plan was created and designed to be industry based and led with KPIs centered around increasing infrastructure and overnight visitor spend. Unfortunately, for tourism the restructure marginalised industry input and events.

    • The re-structure saw an Executive Leadership Team for tourism position annulled.
    • The Tourism Advisory Committee was disbanded.
    • The underlying objectives of an industry led DMP have not been actualised.
    • The Planning Department has been allocated the responsibility for Tourism and Events.

    The overnight visitor spend prior to the fires continued to decrease as did tourism infrastructure. Currently across the South Coast there has been a resurgence in visitor numbers and investment. We acknowledge Councils work on the Mogo mountain bike trails as well as the new Pav in the Bay, as these will be beneficial to attracting tourists to our region.

    After the discontinuation of the Tourism Advisory Committee, Organisations and Chambers have established programs such as:

    • Love The Bay
    • Visit Batemans Bay
    • Visit Mogo
    • Visit Moruya
    • Marketing etc

    In response to Councils Tourism re-structure we have seen the establishment of privately run structures to fill the void namely South Coast Tourism, and Eurobodalla Tourism.

    Given the current disconnect between Community and Council and the excellent work that the community has already done, we would like the new Councillors to support an outsourced tourism and events unit similar to the Bega or Hunter Valley tourism model.These are successful well-connected industry led organisations and if adopted in Eurobodalla, it could save our Shire ratepayer significantly while ensuring better tourism business outcomes.

  6. Planning and Activation Strategies incorporate genuine Community and Stakeholder Engagement Processes which guarantee early stakeholder ownership and local expertise.

    This is in response to bush fire recovery issues in Mogo and place making and other strategies which lack community and stakeholder ownership. Mogo Adventure Trail Hub and Mogo Activation Plan highlight stakeholder concerns over a lack of ownership which stalls small business investment decisions. This proposal is also born out of concern that the bulk of grant monies have been spent on planning strategies while infrastructure has suffered.

Questions to be asked with a show of hands from Candidates- results below.

  1. Do you support Council membership of the Local Government Association?
  2. Do you support a retention strategy primarily for Youth and Young Workers but also families within the Community Strategic Plan. The aim being to address the Aged Dependency Ratio and accelerating median age?
  3. Would you support any Special Rate Variation over the next term?
  4. Do you support retention of bequeathed and other recognised community properties?
  5. While there is always some discontent with every Council, do you acknowledge there is a general disconnect between Council and the Community that needs to be addressed?
  6. Do you support an effort to change Council culture?
  7. Councils Community Engagement Model informs Council of the importance of genuine dialogue. The perception that the increased disconnect and distrust experienced by the community indicates little value in the current model. Would you support a new model which ensures genuine dialogue?
  8. Would you move or support a motion to ensure genuine stakeholder engagement at the early stage of a planning strategy either as part of a new Community Engagement Model or separate mechanism?
  9. With current community concern about secrecy, transparency, and limitations of the current FOI mechanism, would you move or support a motion for expanded disclosure through a more accessible Freedom of Information or similar mechanism?
  10. Do you support the re-establishment of the public access component of live streaming and importantly, changing the vetting system applied to speakers and their presentation content in order to allow more access?
  11. Do you support reinstatement of the Business Advisory Committee and Tourism Advisory Committee?
  12. Do you support the outsourcing of Tourism and Events to an industry led body?
  13. Would you prioritize the establishment of a Planning and Development Advisory Committee?
  14. Do you support a New Events Strategy, with a view to be more inclusive?
  15. With concern about housing, urban sprawl and encroachment on natural amenities? Do you generally support infill strategies to better utilise infrastructure, services and provide denser accommodation options?
  16. Do you support each Councillor having the option to nominate a person on each committee to ensure ratepayer/voter driven decision making?
  17. Many candidates have expressed their support to a collaborative meeting to find commonality and strategy prior to official commencement at Council, would you be happy to be part of that meeting?
  18. Have you looked at comparisons and benchmarks of this Shire compared to other Shires of similar size on the Local Government Website?
  19. Do you have online policies and strategies that people can access?
  20. Would you agree to hold off on any further decision making regarding Mogo activation plan and infrastructure development until Mogo residents and Mogo associations believe some semblance of genuine and reasonable dialogue has been achieved?

This is a snapshot only – Candidates qualified their responses to some answers particularly Q.12 and 16.


Questions to 2021 Election Candidates

By | Chamber News

Final Questions to be asked with a show of hands from Candidates:

  1. Do you support Council membership of the Local Government Association?
  2. Do you support a retention strategy primarily for Youth and Young Workers but also families within the Community Strategic Plan. The aim being to address the Aged Dependency Ratio and accelerating median age?
  3. Would you support any Special Rate Variation over the next term?
  4. Do you support retention of bequeathed and other recognised community properties?
  5. While there is always some discontent with every Council, do you acknowledge there is a general disconnect between Council and the Community that needs to be addressed?
  6. Do you support an effort to change Council culture?
  7. Councils Community Engagement Model informs Council of the importance of genuine dialogue. The perception that the increased disconnect and distrust experienced by the community indicates little value in the current model. Would you support a new model which ensures genuine dialogue?
  8. Would you move or support a motion to ensure genuine stakeholder engagement at the early stage of a planning strategy either as part of a new Community Engagement Model or separate mechanism?
  9. With current community concern about secrecy, transparency, and limitations of the current FOI mechanism, would you move or support a motion for expanded disclosure through a more accessible Freedom of Information or similar mechanism?
  10. Do you support the re-establishment of the public access component of live streaming and importantly, changing the vetting system applied to speakers and their presentation content in order to allow more access?
  11. Do you support reinstatement of the Business Advisory Committee and Tourism Advisory Committee?
  12. Do you support the outsourcing of Tourism and Events to an industry led body?
  13. Would you prioritize the establishment of a Planning and Development Advisory Committee?
  14. Do you support a New Events Strategy, with a view to be more inclusive?
  15. With concern about housing, urban sprawl and encroachment on natural amenities? Do you generally support infill strategies to better utilise infrastructure, services and provide denser accommodation options?
  16. Do you support each Councillor having the option to nominate a person on each committee to ensure ratepayer/voter driven decision making?
  17. Many candidates have expressed their support to a collaborative meeting to find commonality and strategy prior to official commencement at Council, would you be happy to be part of that meeting?
  18. Have you looked at comparisons and benchmarks of this Shire compared to other Shires of similar size on the Local Government Website?
  19. Do you have online policies and strategies that people can access?
  20. Would you agree to hold off on any further decision making regarding Mogo activation plan and infrastructure development until Mogo residents and Mogo associations believe some semblance of genuine and reasonable dialogue has been achieved?

Long answer questions to candidates from members and the floor (2 minutes per candidate)