[member_desc]urPlan Consulting Services (urPlan) is a land planning and pre-development management consultancy specialising in the fields of planning and environment legislation and development economics. We provide best practice, ethical and cost effective solutions in the often challenging and time sensitive field of land planning and initial project strategies. urPlan is able to draw upon the expertise of nationally qualified and acknowledged specialists and the latest practice principles to deliver high quality results for projects large or small. The Director, David Seymour, is an experienced consultant Planner who has provided high quality professional advice to clients in both the public and private sectors.

urPlan may be engaged as an individual consultant where land planning and legislation/policy information is required as one component of a larger study. We are particularly experienced at working in a team environment and welcome being part of multi-disciplinary studies. We understand that being flexible and adaptive is an important quality to ensure a client’s evolving requirements are met.

urPlan is committed to a high standard of service. We adhere to a policy of close liaison with our clients throughout the duration of a project and are mindful of the need for timely production of results and concise and accurate reporting.
[member_desc_sub]Capabilities[/member_desc_sub]Through past project experience and institutional studies, urPlan and associated specialists have developed planning capabilities in facilitating projects through the challenging process of NSW planning legislative and policy environment.

As consultancy principal, David Seymour has extensive experience and involvement with projects throughout NSW, particularly regional and rural areas, including:

  • Eurobodalla Coast
  • Shoalhaven
  • Queanbeyan
  • Young
  • Palarang (Yarrowlumla)
  • Metropolitan Sydney
  • North Coast (Taree)
[/member_desc_list]A particular strength of urPlan, is the diversity of areas in which we can actively assist clients. In collaboration with other specialist practitioners we are able to manage complex development projects and institutional planning through authority requirements and technical assessment. This range of operation and on-going involvement with the professional Institute, provides us with the advantage of continually being at the forefront of industry knowledge, an attribute demonstrated through our experience and involvement in industry conferences and training programs.

Our collaboration with associated practitioners ensures an attention to detail approach which is applied to the largest and smallest project. The areas of expertise cover:-

  • Statutory planning and environmental law
  • Masterplanning
  • Rural land planning and land resources
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Pre-development management and development applications
  • Development economic analysis
  • Property due diligence
[/member_desc_list]urPlan Consultancy provides a comprehensive local reference service in all matters relating to land planning and development. We offer expert advice in areas of residential, commercial/institutional and industrial land use planning. Strong analytical skills combined with personal service and attention to detail ensures that projects are completed to the highest professional standards.
[/member_desc][member_contact][member_person]David Seymour MPIA CPP[/member_person] [member_address]PO Box 1045 Batemans Bay 2536[/member_address] [member_website]www.urplanconsulting.com.au[/member_website] [member_phone]+61 2 4472 3545[/member_phone] [member_mobile]0448 266 425[/member_mobile] [member_fax]+61 2 4472 9528[/member_fax] [/member_contact]

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