Dear Member
My name is Judy Apps and I am writing to you as the newly appointed Membership Coordinator speaking to you on behalf of the Chamber Board to seek your continued investment in the Batemans Bay Business & Tourism Chamber.
First and foremost, we want to thank you for your continued commitment with the Chamber. Without your loyalty and support, we would not be able to continuously provide you and our members with the valuable benefits and networking opportunities our community deserves. Put simply, you make what we do possible.
Can you believe we are now at the end of another financial year and you’re receiving the next years’ members renewal email! Can you also believe we are now halfway to Christmas!
Thinking of the end of the year brings me back to last Christmas and New Year – & WOW, what a ride the last six to seven months have been… Who would have known at the end of last year that we in Batemans Bay would have played such a large part in the monumental event that was the 2019/2020 Australian Bushfires Bushfire Season! In my life have never seen Australia so covered with fire, and I imagine a lot of others feel this way too.
Man what a ride! The fires went out and then just as we started to catch our breath, we, like the rest of the world, got hit by COVID-19.
Monumental – I think we can all agree this is a good word for what we’ve been and are continuing to go through, another word I relate to is transforming. Transforming in the way we look at how we operate, transforming in the way we approach our everyday activities and interactions, and transforming in how we plan our future and interact.
For me, transforming with community tells me how we have adapted and just how important we are to each other. I guess if I was to say this corporately, I would say – ‘This change process has strategically and collaboratively become how we work together to transform our community for a better outcome’.
Yeah, I think I will just go with the first sentence :).
During the last year the Batemans Bay Business and Tourism Chamber developed The Love the Bay campaign, the Love the Bay working group and the Love the Bay Gift Card! An initiative that allows people to purchase gift cards online or from specific local businesses. The best thing about the Love the Bay Gift Card program is that it is totally free to become a business where people can spend their gift card.
We are #allinthistogether, so make sure you join us in showing your love for our community:
- Accept the Love the Bay Gift Card (register:
- Tag @lovethebaybb in your social media posts
- Hand out Love the Bay bumper stickers to your customers
- Display a Love the Bay poster in your shop window
- Extend your Chamber membership on
- Need stickers or posters or would like to chat about Love the Bay opportunities, email: or contact us via our social media pages
Back to renewals
Membership subscription for the 2020/2021 financial year:
In recognition of what we have all gone through the Batemans Bay Business & Tourism Chamber Executive have unanimously agreed to provide to our members a one-off 20% hardship discount for those members who renew their members in the month of July. This offer will be only available from 1st to 31st July – so please get in quick to take advantage of this kind offer.
Full support and all benefits, including: Networking; Membership of Business NSW; Commercial profiles – advertising on the website; Full voting rights; Presentations to meetings/committee; Committee nomination; Attendance at meetings plus up to two accompanying employees/associates; Chamber communications & Representation and advocacy.
ASSOCIATE [Not For Profits] – subsidised $50.00/yr
Including: Networking; Attendance at meetings; Presentations to meetings on invitation; Membership of Business NSW & Chamber communications.
AUXILIARY (Fringe associates with valuable expertise) – Retirees/Ex-professionals $50.00/yr
Including: Networking; Membership of Business NSW; Attendance at meetings; Presentations to meetings on invitation & Chamber communications.
Including: Attendance to meetings and presentations on invitation; Membership of Business NSW; Chamber communications to one nominated point of contact.
More details Full General Membership Benefits include:
- Support and drive of change and growth of businesses and local communities in the Bay.
- Contribute to fostering a positive & prosperous business environment for the benefit of all.
- Actively network with like-minded business people on a regular basis and encourage the philosophy of continuous improvement in business and the chamber.
- Draw from members experience and peer support to assist you in starting or improving your business.
- Engage in marketing your business website through the chamber with link building. Be part of the 24/7 promotion of your business as we improve on e of the most searched website for the region.
- Group representation to more effectively lobby the three levels of government – Federal, State and Local.
- Complimentary membership of the NSW Business Chamber and enjoy the additional benefits of:
– Unlimited business support information hotline
– Free access to workplace & industrial relations advice (3 calls per annum)
– Online access to business and management templates
– Networking & Educational Events
– A monthly e-newsletter with relevant regional information
– Discounted insurance and electricity offers
– discounts on NSW Business Chamber membership and events
– Member Directory – allows you to expand your business networks & promote special offers or exclusive incentive3s
– Marketing advice support to help you raise your profile, develop or improve your marketing strategy, campaings etc.
SO LET’S DO THIS – Let’s band together and make the next financial year even stronger than the last, RENEW let’s become a Chamber to be envious of, let’s TOGETHER
“Love the Bay”
Finally, don’t forget the one-off 20% hardship discount for those members who renew their members in the month of July. This offer will be only available from 1st to 31st July – so please get in quick to take advantage of this kind offer.
To renew please direct transfer funds to National Australia Bank:
Batemans Bay Business & Tourism Chamber
BSB: 082-432
Account: 26 375 0313
Looking forward to meeting you at the next Chamber meeting.
Warmest regards
Judy Apps
Membership Coordinator