
Chamber News

Useful Resources for Businesses – May Newsletter from your Business Chamber

By | Chamber News

We trust this newsletter finds you well and enjoying this amazing Autumn weather, amongst an extremely difficult time during the COVID-19 lockdown. We all should feel very fortunate to be living in this wonderful country and to have escaped the extreme health crisis many other countries have experienced.

With the easing of restrictions this weekend and businesses starting to open up slowly allowing the economy to rebound – we are certainly seeing more energy and vibrancy within the town which is very positive but it is clear, there is still no travel for leisure purposes.  With regional holidays not permitted, it is time to focus on our immediate surrounds, buy and shop local and support those businesses that have supported you.  Position your business to best support our local market, and lets’ hope we can welcome visitors again in the not too distant future.

The Chamber has been restricted during this timeframe not being able to hold monthly meetings but be rest assured we have been working behind the scenes – keeping abreast of the developments with regular Zoom meetings with the other chambers in Eurobodalla alongside the ESC and planning and discussing what is required for us to bounce back once restrictions have been lifted.  Also we were online a few weeks ago for a Tele Town Hall Event  involving the NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and Business NSW which came away with some interesting data which was very positive, that we feel necessary to share.

  • Three quarters of business owners believe their operations will survive the COVID-19 crisis (3,000 chamber members were surveyed on the line from across NSW, including the Capital and Far South Coast regions).
  • Asked whether they believe that their business would survive the current crisis, 72 per cent of respondents answered yes, while another 23 per cent said they were unsure. Just 5 per cent believed their business would be forced to close.

“These are very high numbers considering the impact the virus and the restrictions have had on businesses of all types and in all locations,” said Adam Zarth, Executive Director, Capital Far South Coast. “The optimism and ‘can do’ attitude of business owners and their employees has never surprised me; however, this has been the ultimate test of their endurance and perseverance,” Mr Zarth said.

“The Treasurer too was heartened by these figures, and by the grit and resilience being shown by the business operators on the call – their determination to continue operations, paying their staff and supporting their communities was there for all to hear and see.”

“Of course, the big challenge for businesses will be in coming months when our way of life slowly starts to return to a new normal and the harsh reality of their true financial position becomes clear after government subsidies end for them and for their customers.”

“The Business NSW has advocated for business owners and their staff to immediately download the COVIDSafe App as it advocates for a staged re-opening of businesses in the short term,” Mr Zarth said.

Appreciating there has been so much documentation coming through over the past few months and it is difficult to know which businesses need what and certainly we are here to assist if required but we have put a list of valuable links (below) together to assist if you require regular updates which you have not been able to assess.

Last but certainly not least – it continues to amaze me the uptake of support for the Chamber/John Holland initiative for the Love the Bay Campaign.  Who would have thought, when this was launched in December 2019 what the next 6 months was going to look like?  The social media presence is certainly building and we are fortunate to be able to have funded filming and developing wonderful promotional material for numerous businesses, which we have promoted via social media channels and the links are below for those that would like to check out some of the amazing resilient businesses we have in this town.

We look forward to the next chapter and will be in touch as soon as we can see our way clear to hold another chamber meeting.

Useful Links for Business:

  1. Business Australia Newsletter
  2. ESC Tourism Newsletter
  3. Destination Southern NSW
  4. Phoenix Programme workshops
  5. Biz Rebuild Mental Health link as they are offering assisting
  6. Love the Bay Video Series

Yours sincerely,

Alison Miers


ESC Rate Increase Proposal – Chamber Response

By | Chamber News

Dear Members,

At the council meeting held on 7 April last, seven councillors were in favour of a general rate rise of 2.6% for 2020/21. Only two councillors spoke against the proposal, despite the enormous financial impact being suffered by business and the community at large in our shire. For minutes refer to link –

Reference for financial data may be made to ‘Revised Draft Delivery Programme 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2020-21’

The pie chart on page 67 of the Operational Plan indicates that the total budgeted income is $122M (see page 76). Rates and other charges make up 55% of income which equals $67M. Of this sum approximately $1.7M is attributable to the proposed 2.6% rate rise.

Disturbingly, the proposed budget also evidences a surplus of $5.6M

On the above figures, rate increases can be deferred for three years without the need to curb expenditure, or preferably, rates can be reduced as is proposed by other councils in NSW.

It has been reported that casual staff have been laid off as a cost saving exercise and there is currently a raft of government grants available to bolster council finances. In short, it is difficult to accept that a rate increase is justified.

Councillors determined that the matter of a rate rise be referred to the community for comment. See the covering page of the above Operational Plan link to make a submission regarding your thoughts on the proposed rate rise.  Submissions close 20 May 2020.

Charles Stuart, for the committee.

22 April 2020

Invitation: Batemans Bay Waterfront Masterplan and Activation Strategy

By | Chamber News

Please read below an invitation from Eurobodalla Shire Council to attend a workshop on the Batemans Bay Waterfront Activation. Apologies for the late notification.

Activation is your business

Activation means more people in Batemans Bay, visiting more often and staying for longer, leading to more business opportunities. See how activation and place-making can lead to a vibrant and thriving waterfront and CBD and what roles we all have in achieving this.

You are invited to hear from tourism planning and urban design specialists from Inspiring Place about activation principles and the draft masterplan and activation strategy (draft plan) for the Batemans Bay waterfront. The draft plan will go on exhibition later this year, and this workshop will help explain the project and explore what we do next. Find out more about the draft masterplan and activation strategy and what the community, including businesses, have told us during this process.

DATE: Monday 16 March 2020

TIME: 6-8pm (light refreshments will be available)

VENUE: Catalina Country Club

RSVP ASAP by Wednesday 11 March by emailing

Inspiring Place is a Tasmanian based practice that creates experiences of place to inspire the mind, body and soul. Directors John Hepper and Jerry de Gryse thrive on delivering insight and creative solutions to questions in the built and natural environment.

John has worked for over 30 years in tourism, recreation and environmental planning across all levels of government and the private sector. Jerry combines an expertise in Landscape Architecture with his strategic vision and passion for making sustainable, vibrant and civic minded natural and built environments. Jerry has worked on projects from micro to macro scales, and from city centres to remote bushland. What unites Jerry’s work is his commitment to understanding the essential values of a place, employing this site-specific knowledge to shape the landscape.

More information about the Batemans Bay Waterfront Master Plan and Activation Strategy project can be found online:

Roundtable Roundup and Resources

By | Chamber News

Our roundtable meeting was well attended with interesting presentations from chamber and community members and lively discussions on positive ways to move forward as a business community.

Click Here to Download the Minutes from Wednesday Night’s Meeting

More information from presenters:

The committee is seeking expressions of interest from members to be involved with the executive committee in the positions of secretary, media officer and membership secretary. Email to apply.

Kind regards

Alison Miers


SOIREE @ THE MARINA for our February Informal Chamber Meeting

By | Chamber News

We invite you, the business community to come together and relax, mingle – share your stories – embrace what we have all experienced over the last 8 weeks – kick up our heels – we all deserve it.

Invite your other business friends that may not be members to also come along as well.  We have all felt the affects of the fires in our region and we plan to work collaboratively to build our business community back bigger and better than ever.

Thursday:- 6th February, 2020

Venue:- On the lawns @ the Marina near Southern Catch.

Time:- 6.00  – 8.00pm

Drinks and Fingers Food provided courtesy of the Marina.

Kind regards,

Alison Miers


Introducing the Love the Bay Gift Card system to our area!

By | Chamber News

Dear Chamber Members,

Since its launch at our December 4 Christmas party, you will all have noticed how popular our Love the Bay community pride campaign has become.

Nobody could’ve imagined back then the disastrous impacts the bushfires would have on our wonderful community and more particularly on our local businesses.

For these reasons, the Love the Bay working group have been working hard and have come up with an initiative I hope you will all support: the Love the Bay Gift Card!

The initiative allows people to purchase gift cards online or from specific local businesses. The gift cards work like debit cards and can be spent at all participating local businesses. It also allows people to donate funds into our community in the same way. Cards can have from $10 to $1,000 loaded onto them and that money will stay here in our area, injecting much needed cashflow into our economy. The best thing of the Love the Bay Gift Card program is that it is totally free to become a business where people can spend their gift card. If you already have an EFTPOS machine, it does not cost you any time, money or effort!

With the approval of our Chamber executive, and the support of our campaign partner John Holland and Eurobodalla Council, this initiative capitalises on the success of the Love the Bay campaign, particularly its social following which has been growing healthily every day.

The Chamber hopes all of our local businesses are able to survive the current challenges, so this initiative is not just for our Chamber Members but for all businesses in the Batemans Bay region: postcode 2536 and Tomakin, Mossy Point and Broulee.

We ask you to spread the Love the Bay Gift Card message to as many businesses as possible – the more participate, the more money we will keep in town, and the more options our locals and visitors have to make their purchases locally.

Please read all details about the Gift Card in the factsheet document here. We encourage you all to support this initiative in any way that you can.


Alison Miers


Batemans Bay Business & Tourism Chamber

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Message to Members Regarding Bushfire Assistance

By | Chamber News


The Committee wish to express our profound sympathy to all members & all other businesses in our community who have been affected by the bushfires and especially those who have suffered infrastructure loss.

Please forward this message to any business or individual which you feel will benefit from the following information.

We ask that if you believe we can assist in anyway whatever, that you do not hesitate to contact us at – & cc the email to or you can phone Charles Stuart (Vice President) on 0438 888 864 or Maree Jackson (Treasurer) on 0458411953.

The following information and links may be of assistance to business: –

NBN are operating a free of charge internet service, battery charging facility and internet connected computers for personal and business banking and general connectivity. They are located at the Evacuation Centre at Hanging Rock Community Hall, adjacent to the Batemans Bay Library and Uni of Wollongong campus and plan to stay this week.

Cash donations are preferred over goods as charities are struggling with staff levels, transport and warehousing. Please donate if you are able, to: Salvation Army Disaster Appeal – When you make a donation please nominate the area that you would like to donations to come to e.g. South Coast NSW, Eurobodalla, or a town, etc –

The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) noted that while there are many ways you can help, “the best way is to donate money. This allows people to buy the things they need, and it supports local businesses which have also been impacted.”

The following are links for financial assistance for individuals, businesses & employees that have been affected by the bush fires: –

  1. The Regional Assistance Authority funding of up to $15,000 is for Primary Producers, Small businesses & Not-for-Profit Organisations. You can find more information at 
  2. Disaster Recovery Allowance is a short-term payment to help you if a declared disaster directly affects your income. You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. It’s payable from the date you lose income as a direct result of the NSW Bushfires in August, September, October, November, December 2019 and January 2020 –
  3. Support for eligible people adversely affected by the bushfires in New South Wales in August 2019 through to January 2020 – $1000 per adult & $400 for each child younger than 19 –
  4. The NSW Government Office of Emergency Management provides links for Financial Assistance after an emergency & recovery information & support to communities – 
  5. NAB customers who have lost homes this bushfire season can immediately access $2,000 grants to help cover costs such as temporary accommodation, food and clothing. I believe that other Banks are also providing similar grants.
  6. The NSW Chamber of Commerce have the Advice Line & ask that businesses to call the number should they have any legal questions relating to staff, or other business issues. They can contact the advice line on 13 29 59 
  7. The Commonwealth Bank have announced they will assist their Customers with restocking their Business and/or rebuilding. Please discuss this with your bank to obtain assistance.

Yours sincerely.

Alison Miers


7 January 2020


Merry Christmas from the Bay Chamber!

By | Chamber News

As Christmas is upon us and 2020 is just around the corner, we reflect on what the year has been. Most recently the devastating fires that have effected our region and our business community.

It is important for us all, to buy, eat, and support local businesses during this time frame. It will be a different Christmas for most but trust you are all able to share some Christmas cheer with family and friends and we all look forward to a prosperous year ahead. 

Alison Miers and the team BBBTC